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Alpha Lipoic Acid May Help with Weight Loss

A study found that supplementing with alpha lipoic acid may contribute to weight loss when combined with a calorie-restricted diet. Published in the journal Obesity, the study placed 97 overweight or obese women on a diet that restricted their caloric intake by 30%, and then divided the women into four groups. In the first three groups, the women received supplements in addition to the calorie-restricted diet: they received either the omega-3 EPA (1.3 grams per day), alpha lipoic acid (300 mg per day), or EPA plus alpha lipoic acid (1.3 g plus 300 mg per day). The fourth group only followed the diet and did not take any supplements. After ten weeks, here were the results:

  • Women who took alpha lipoic acid lost almost 4 pounds more (around 15.5 pounds total) than women who didn't take any supplements.
  • Women who took EPA plus alpha lipoic acid also lost more weight than those not taking any supplements (around 2.8 pounds more), but the difference was not statistically significant.

The research is consistent with at least one previous clinical trial showing that alpha lipoic acid in much larger dosages (1,200–1,800 mg per day) also resulted in weight loss among overweight or obese participants. Nevertheless, it is not entirely clear how alpha lipoic acid works to produce these effects.

Source: Obesity