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Flaxseed: An Ancient Food Makes a Comeback

Flaxseed has been cultivated since the beginning of civilization—first used as a fiber source for clothing and later as a food. But just because it’s ancient doesn’t mean it’s out of fashion. On the contrary, flaxseed is making a comeback in the world of functional foods for some of the same reasons it's long been popular in the supplement aisle, including the fact that:

  • It’s the richest plant source of the omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid.
  • Whole or ground flaxseeds are dietary fiber powerhouses.

In addition to its nutrient content, flaxseed has become a trendy food ingredient because its oil helps keep baked goods moist, and it’s naturally gluten-free and vegan. So, what sorts of flaxseed food products are coming to a store near you? Since flaxseed is versatile, expect to see a good variety, from flaxseed-infused muffins to flavored flaxseed oil. To learn more about flaxseed’s formidable health properties, check out this article.

Source: NutraIngredients-USA