Unwind After a Workout with a Protein-Packed Beer

New protein-boosted beers, which may soon be on the market, could give you a seamless transition from your workout to your weekend. BeverageDaily reports that Supplemental Brewing, a company dedicated to serving fitness enthusiasts by brewing beers fortified with protein, has developed an American wheat ale with 7 grams of protein and a lager with 4 grams. The beers get their protein punch from added whey protein concentrate—a favored protein source among some athletes. While Supplemental Brewing is still in its infancy, the founder, Blake Konrardy, believes that the new brews will appeal to any athletes looking to increase muscle growth, from runners to weight lifters. But the most important question remains: how does it taste? Although it took several batches to perfect the recipe, Konrardy says the protein flavor is undetectable. Cheers to that!

Source: BeverageDaily

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