When Anxiety Strikes, Try These Natural Remedies

As many as 40 million Americans deal with a severe anxiety disorder each year, according to an article published online by Natural Health magazine. Add to that number those who get the occasional jitters (i.e., most people), and you’ve got a whole bunch of uneasy Americans. Now for the good news—there are many nutritional and herbal supplements that can help. When combined with regular exercise and a balanced diet, these supplements could reduce your anxiety without the risk of serious side effects associated with some medications. Here’s a rundown of some of the best supplements for easing occasional or mild anxiety and its symptoms:

  • Magnesium. Helps reduce muscle tension.
  • GABA. Has a calming effect on the brain by preventing neurons from over-firing.
  • Relora. A stress-reducing, patented formula; be careful when taking it during pregnancy.
  • Passionflower. Helps relieve stress and insomnia; may cause drowsiness when combined with antidepressant or anti-anxiety medications.
  • Valerian. Helps with muscle tension, insomnia, and stress headaches; don’t take it if you have liver problems, or are taking any medication that depresses the central nervous system.
  • B-Complex. Helps with stress, energy, and neurotransmitter production. Look for a B-complex with all eight essential B vitamins, or take a multivitamin—most contain all of the B-complex vitamins.

For dosage, check the supplement label. In addition, one should consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before starting any new supplement.

Source: Natural Health

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