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Understanding Herbal TerminologyThere are many words used to describe herbs and their actions on the body. The following is a guide to understanding these unique terms. Adaptogena substance that invigorates or strengthens the system (also called a tonic). Alterativea substance that produces a gradual, beneficial change in the body. Alkaloidheterogeneous group of alkaline, organic, compounds containing nitrogen and usually oxygen; generally colorless and bitter-tasting; especially found in seed plants. Analgesica substance that reduces or relieves pain. Anodynea pain relieving agent, less potent than an anesthetic or narcotic. Antihelmintic, anthelmintica substance that expels or destroys intestinal worms (also called a vermifuge). Antihydrotica substance that reduces or suppresses perspiration. Antipyretican agent that reduces or prevents fever (also called a febrifuge). Antispasmodican agent that relieves spasms or cramps. Aperienta mild and gentle-acting laxative. Aperitifan agent that stimulates the appetite. Aphrodisiaca substance that increases sexual desire or potency. Aromatica substance with a strong, volatile, fragrant aroma; often with stimulant properties. Astringentan agent that contracts or shrinks tissues; it is used to decrease secretions or control bleeding. Bitter tonica substance with an acrid, astringent or disagreeable taste that stimulates flow of saliva and gastric juices. Bolusa suppository poultice used for vaginal or rectal application; made by mixing powdered herb material in melted cocoa butter or similar base and hand-forming suppositories as the matrix cools. Calmativean agent with mild sedative or hypnotic properties. Carminativea substance that stops the formation of intestinal gas and helps expel gas that has already formed. Catarrhinflammation of a mucous membrane, especially of the respiratory tract. Cathartica powerful agent used to relieve severe constipation (also called a purgative). Cholegoguean agent that stimulates secretion and release of bile. Choleretican agent that stimulates the formation of bile. Concentrationthe amount of material in a solution in relationship to the amount of solvent; expressed as the ratio. For example:
Counterirritantan agent that causes a distracting irritation intended to relieve another irritation. Decoctionextract of a crude drug made by boiling or simmering (cooking) herbs in water; stronger than a tea or infusion. Demulcentan oily or mucilaginous substance that soothes irritated tissue, especially mucous membranes. Diaphoretican agent, taken internally to promote sweating (also called sudorific). Diuretican agent that promotes urine production and flow. Emetica substance that induces vomiting. Emmenogoguean agent, taken internally, to promote menstrual flow. Emollientan externally applied agent that softens or soothes skin. Essential oilany of a class of volatile oils that impart the characteristic odors of plants; used especially in perfumes, food flavorings and aromatherapy; also called volatile oil. Expectorantan agent that increases bronchial secretions and facilitates their expulsion through coughing, spitting or sneezing. Extracta concentrate, made by steeping raw plant material(s) in solvent (alcohol and/or water), after which the solvent is allowed to evaporate. Febrifugean agent that reduces fever (also called an antipyretic). Flatulencegas in the stomach or intestines. Fluid extracta liquid extract of raw plant material(s), usually of a concentration ratio of 1 part raw herb to 1 part solvent (1:1). Fomentationapplication of a warm and moist cloth, soaked in an infusion or decoction, as treatment. Galactogoguean agent that increases secretion of milk (synonym for lactagogue). Galenicalherb and other vegetable drugs as distinguished from mineral or chemical remedies; crude drugs and the tinctures, decoctions, and other preparations made from them, as distinguished from the alkaloids and other active principles. Glycosideesters containing a sugar component (glycol) and a nonsugar (aglycone) component attached via oxygen or nitrogen bond; hydrolysis of a glycoside yields one or more sugars. Hemostatican agent used to stop internal bleeding. Herbplant or part of a plant used for medicinal, taste or aromatic purposes. Humectanta substance used to obtain a moistening effect. Hygroscopica substance that readily attracts and retains water. Infusiontea made by steeping herb(s) in hot water. Lactagoguean agent that increases secretion of milk (synonym for galactogogue). Laxativea substance that promotes bowel movements. Macerationa process of softening tissues by soaking in liquid. Mucilagea gelatinous substance, containing proteins and polysaccharides, that soothes inflammation. Mucilaginousan agent characterized by a gummy or gelatinous consistency. Nervinean agent that calms nervousness, tension or excitement. Oleoresina homogenous mixture of resin(s) and volatile oil(s). Pharmacognosythe study of the biochemistry and pharmacology of plant drugs, herbs, and spices. Phlogisticreferring to inflammation or fever. Poulticea soft, moist mass applied to the skin to provide heat and moisture. Purgativea powerful agent used to relieve severe constipation (also called a cathartic). Raw herbthe form of the plant, or plant parts, unchanged by processing other than separation of parts, drying or grinding. Resinany of several solid or semi-solid, flammable, natural organic substances soluble in organic solvents and not water; commonly formed in plant secretions; complex chemical mixtures of acrid resins, resin alcohols, resinol, tannols, esters, and resenes. Rubefacientan agent, applied to the skin, causing a local irritation and redness; for relief of internal pain. Salvean herbal preparation mixed in oil and thickened with bees wax applied to the skin. Saponinany of several surfactant glycosides that produce a soapy lather; found in plants. Sedativea substance that reduces nervous tension; usually stronger than a calmative. Sialogoguean agent that stimulates secretion of saliva. Solid extractan extract of plant material(s) made by removing the solvent from a fluid extract. Soporifica substance that induces sleep. Stimulantan agent that excites or quickens a process or activity of the body. Stomachican agent that gives strength and tone to the stomach or stimulates the appetite by promoting digestive secretions. Styptica substance that stops external bleeding (usually an astringent). Sudorifican agent, taken internally, to promote sweating (also called diaphoretic). Tannina complex mixture of polyphenols; gives a color reaction to iron-containing substances. Terpeneany of several isomeric hydrocarbons; most volatile oils consist primarily of terpenes. Tincturea solution prepared by steeping or soaking (maceration) plant materials in alcohol and water. Tonica substance that invigorates or strengthens the system (also called adaptogen); tonics often act as stimulants or aleratives. Vermifugea substance that expels or destroys intestinal worms (also called antihelmintic or anthelmintic). Volatile oilan odorous plant oil that evaporates readily; also called essential oil. Vulnerarya substance used in the treatment or healing of wounds. Copyright © 2025 TraceGains, Inc. All rights reserved. Learn more about TraceGains, the company. Information expires December 2025. |